Hi list,

(using Lyx 1.6.10 with book(KOMA-script))

I am counting down days before submitting... (it's really a deadline I can't 
miss to deliver my work) and I used to compile my koma-script-based document 
in draft mode. Now, I try to compile it correctly and it insist returning this 
error: "file ended while scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK".

Is it in the .bib file maybe? I've checked all strange names (non utf8 
characters) and have formatted them using, for example {\'a} and {\=a} as well 
as {\'e} (all this I did in kbib, which I like a lot).

How can I clean the .bib file "automatically"? Is there any other smart way to 
avoid this? Instead of bibtex, use anything else, but fast and simple?

Or is this \@@BOOKMARK error not related with the bibliography entries?

Thanks a million, Nikos

ps- if it is of any help, I have the following accessoires in the Preamble:

% Title

% do _not_ print the date

% Various stuff

% line numbering

% For inline listing

% strike through

% breakurl's

% try more to avoid single lines at end or start of (any) page

% consistent spacing between sentences

% For landscape pages


% Martin Vogels Symbols


% Oval boxes


% Colors

% \usepackage{color}

% define marine blue

% define lightgray

% change grey color for greyedout notes
% {\textcolor{lightgray}\bgroup}{\egroup}
{\textcolor{red}\bgroup}{\egroup} % use red for DRAFT

% ToC

% \KOMAoptions{listof=toc}

% silence part-, section- and subsection-entry page numbering

% chapter-number color redefinition

% chapter page-number color redefinition
% ATTENTION to changes!!!

% same for sections

% Space before parts in the TOC
% \setlength{\cftbeforepartskip}{0.7cm} 

% Chapter between-entry spacing in TOC
% \setlength{\cftbeforechapskip}{0.2cm} 

% multicolumntoc

% LoF

% Vertical Spacing

% More space for figure numbers
% Space between elements of the list
% \setlength{\cftbeforefigskip}{0.1cm}

% LoT
% Tables
% More space for table numbers

% Mini Table of Contents for each Chapter :-)

% loose line spacing in minitoc's

% title of minitoc
% e.g. for "Overview" use "\mtcsettitle{minitoc}{Overview}"
% for empty title

% turn off rules before and after the minitoc's

% turn off page numbering in minitoc's

% Floats


% avoid placing floats before their section

% increase the bottom float placement fraction

% that links to image floats jumps
% to the beginning of the float and 
% not to its caption

% unfloating figure on empty page
% or use...
%\usepackage{nonfloat} %%% too complicated!
% Default page style for pages with only flloats

% Tables

% scale tables

% rulers for tabs ---------
% provides caption formatting

% extra fonts for captions

% color for cells

% multirows

% big delimiters spanning over n rows

% align table cells

% rotating


% Listings


% Footnotes

% per-chapter numbering

% multiple footnotes
% insert additional 1.5 mm vertical space between footnotes

% Part

% partpagestyle without page number

% Headers

% fancy headers
% \usepackage{fancyhdr}
% \pagestyle{fancy}

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}

% KOMA chapterthumb
%%% Problem with fancyhdr %%%

% Chapters on the left
% by Markus Kohm
% copied from http://www.komascript.de/node/27
% Move numbers of section headings left into the margin
% Re-define \chapterformat only if it is defined and not
% \relax without making it \relax if it is not defined:
\expandafter\ifx\csname chapterformat\endcsname\relax\else
      % Following line is the original definition
      \chapappifchapterprefix{\ }\thechapter\autodot\enskip
% Re-define \othersectionlevelsformat
    % Following line is the original definition
    \csname the#1\endcsname\autodot\enskip
% End of redefining format makros                              %

% no end-periods!

% Kerning/Margin



% bookmark for TOC

% redefine the \LyX macro for PDF bookmarks
  {LyX }}


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