I just created a .lyx file with the code in your email an it works!


Another cool thing that I would like to be able to do with LyX is this
Is it possible?



On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Ignacio Martinez <igna...@virginia.edu>wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for replaying.
> This is my first time in the list and I'm confuse.
> Did you send an attached .lyx file? I just got a long email with a lot of
> code that I'm not sure where in lyx to put...
> Thanks again
> -Ignacio
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Paul Rubin <ru...@msu.edu> wrote:
>> GMANE is acting weirdly -- it won't display the original text of your
>> question.
>>  At any rate, the answer is that the diagram can indeed be reproduced in
>> LyX
>> (see below).  I put the various chunks of the formula in ERT, as new LaTeX
>> commands, but that's not necessary.  You can do it in the equation editor,
>> with
>> a couple of tricks: use \{ to create an inset with braces around it for
>> mathematical arguments; and inside that inset, type \ensuremath <space>
>> rather
>> than typing $...$.  The reason I used LaTeX macros to capture bits and
>> pieces is
>> that LyX (at least as of 1.6.x) does not have horizontal scrolling for
>> annoyingly wide equations or tables, so editing this thing in the equation
>> editor requires zooming way, way out and using a very powerful magnifying
>> glass.
>> Paul
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