On 02/28/2011 12:22 PM, James C. Sutherland wrote:
I need to use the LaTeX import package to manage hierarchical directory structures with graphics files distributed throughout the structure. Furthermore, this is in a mixed LyX/LaTeX environment, where LyX gathers the LaTeX files to create various "master" documents.

While the "import" package seems to work fine in straight LaTeX, it fails in even the simplest LyX example, even when the LaTeX-exported file works fine.


1. create a file "master.lyx" and edit the LaTeX preamble to include "\usepackage{import}"
2. Insert ERT "\subimport{subdir}{trythis.tex}"
3. create "trythis.tex" in subdir
4. Compile.

This will fail.

If you export your "master.lyx" file to a LaTeX file, it will work.

Is there a way to get this working in LyX?

I'm guessing that maybe import.sty needs more LaTeX runs than we do?


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