Myriam Abramson <mabramson <at>> writes:

> Help! I have a paper due tomorrow! The specification for the papers
> requires that subsections be numbered and IEEEtran seems to make them
> alphabetical. I tried to change that by putting
> \renewcommand{\thesubsection}{\arabic{subsection}}
> in the latex preamble but I'm still getting them with the
> alphabet. Any ideas?

Journals tend to have quirky formatting choices, which are enforced in their
LaTeX class files.  I always use the most generic class suitable (usually
article or AMS article) for anything other than an actual journal paper.  So my
first suggestion is that you switch from IEEEtran to something with fewer
formatting features embedded in the LaTeX class, and then make any adjustments
you need (with ERT if necessary).

That said, try \renewcommand{\thesubsectiondis}{\arabic{subsection}.} in the
preamble (note the 'dis' appended to the command name).


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