On Thursday 24 March 2011 07:01:19 Rainer M Krug wrote:
> On 24/03/11 11:29, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > On 2011-03-23, Steve Litt wrote:

> >> This is a wonderful idea. Now if we can only go the other direction...
> > 
> > I think we should have "semantic" import/export filters in addition to
> > "visual" ones for all relevant document formats.
> I absolutely agree - this would make life so much easier: you can write
> in LyX, export sematically to doc / odt and do the formating in word /
> openoffice / libreoffice if the editor / conference only provides a
> specific word template.
> Definitely a priority.

I'm not quite sure what you guys mean by "semantic import/export", but if you 
mean exporting the text marked up with (empty) styles and the (empty) style 
definitions so all I have to do with the MSWord file is fill in the styles, 
then I'm on it like a squirrel on a tree. Let me tell you why.

The (insert your own curse phrase here) fools controlling the various eBook 
formats have made it almost necessary to use MSWord as the input to the eBook 
conversion process. Saaayyy whaaaaat??? So let me get this straight. I write 
my book in a good software like LyX, and then have to rewrite it in (insert 
your favorite phrase meaning "incompetent" here) MSWord in order to put it on 
a Kindle? Really?

You know, if we're really considering this, there should be an option to 
convert what we call Part, Chapter, Section, Subsection... to MSWord's 
Header1, Header2, Header3, Header4 etc. And of course we need to do it 
configurably because not everyone uses parts and not everyone uses chapters. 
I'm attaching part of my VimOutliner to LyX converter so you can see how I 
implemented a similar level to level mapping in that software.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

1: Chapter       
2: Section        
3: Subsection    
4: Subsubsection 
5: Paragraph     
6: Subparagraph  
7: Garbage7       
bodytext: Standard

Attachment: otl2lyx.awk
Description: application/awk

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