On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am thinking of using Lyx with sweave, but there is one thing I am
> wondering about whioch would be important for using it for longer
> projects: is there a possibility to define an external editor (e.g.
> amacs with ESS or gedit) for code blocks, so that I would have syntax
> highlighting et al. when editing code blocks in the external editor?
Yup, I hit this wall, too, once [1]. At that time there were two ideas
- allow external editing ERT insets with a random text editor
- integrate with QScintilla

Both are probably worth of a bug report and perhaps of a GSoC project.
Otherwise we're only missing someone interested in implementing this.


[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg159200.html

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