On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Ramin Nakisa <ramin.nak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought I'd tell other LyX users that I've just self-published a
> book on finance using LyX. It's called "A Financial Bestiary" and it's
> an introduction to finance. The Amazon link is:

> http://www.amazon.com/Financial-Bestiary-Introducing-Forwards-Derivatives/dp/0956663508/ref=pd_rhf_p_t_1
> The project has taken five years, and I've used LyX almost every day
> for those five years. And I still love it. The thing I like best about
> LyX is the equation formatting, which seems to be fully in tune with
> the way I think.
> So: thank you LyX developers and community for creating a great piece
> of software which is a testament to the open source development model.
> Of course there's a "Typeset using LyX" on the title page.
Nice, thanks for this.

> Dr. Ramin Nakisa
> P.S. An epub export option would be ideal, as HTML and Calibre are
> proving to be rather tricky.
This has been the topic of a project for GSoC 2011, but unfortunately
LyX didn't get accepted. We will try again next year.


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