Dear all
I'm writing a document in French using RC3 and I spot some dubious
behaviour concerning the French guillemets. See attached.

Normally there is a fixed width space between  guillemets and the
wrapped text: « asdf ». However, when using non-TeX fonts (Libertine
or Palladio) and compile with XeTeX, the first space is missing: «asdf
». When, on the other hand, I use TeX fonts (Palatino) and still use
XeTeX to compile, the result is as expected: « asdf ».

Is this LyX or XeTeX at fault? I'm using TeXLive 2009 on Xubuntu 10.04 64-bit.

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

Attachment: newfile3.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: newfile3.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: newfile4.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: newfile4.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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