Am 23.05.2011 um 14:29 schrieb Marit Elisabeth Klemetsen:

> Hi!
> My name is Marit and I am working on my thesis presentation in a template 
> called "beamer-conference-ornate-20min". I am trying to do include the logo 
> of Stockholm University on the front slide and the instructions I get from 
> the template are:
> "If you have a file called "", where xxx is a 
> graphic format that can be processed by latex or pdflatex, resp., then you 
> can add a logo by uncommenting the following:
> %\pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{institution-logo}{institution-logo-filename}
> %\logo{\pgfuseimage{institution-logo}}
> "
> Do I need to install pgf? I hope I can avoid this. I have the logo in .pdf 
> and in .tif . Can LyX process this? I saved the logo in the same folder as my 
> lyx document. I removed the % signs guessing that I then am "uncommenting" 
> the code. I named the file "institution-logo-filename" just to test it. But 
> it didn't work. 
> Is there a code to include a logo in pdf format?

Removing the % was fine.
I tried it myself and succeeded with the absolute path name for the image.
E. g. /Users/stephan/Desktop/mylogo for /Users/stephan/Desktop/mylogo.pdf

I'm using LyX 2.0.0 ...


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