Julien Rioux <jrioux <at> physics.utoronto.ca> writes:

> On 18/11/2010 11:51 AM, Julien Rioux wrote:
> > The command is correct (I am most certain), only the message is cut off
> > (yet another issue with the report of errors!).
> >
> > My guess is something went wrong with lilypond-book. Unfortunately, the
> > report of errors from lilypond-book to the LyX interface is missing.
> Thanks Marc, we should fix this. I opened these bug reports:
> http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7044
> http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7045
> http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7046
> Feel free to add your comments there.

i have the message "the module lilypond requires a package that is not available
in your LaTeX installation" (mais en français).
I'm under Ubuntu.
how to fix this issue? The path is to lilypond-book.bin?
It is very urgent for me... i absolutely need to insert score in an article.
Lilypond version 2.12.3-7ubuntu1 and lyx 2.0.0rc3~1.


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