I ran into a problem with nested cases (caseenv). I want to write
something like this:

Case 1: a
  1. b
    Case 1: c
    Case 2: d
  2. e
Case 2: f

where there are sub-cases in the list. The enumerated list and
sub-cases are nested in the lyx document (see attached). However, the
output I get is:

Case 1: a
  1. b
    Case 1: c
    Case 2: d
  2. e
Case 3: f

Apparently the case counter from the outer list is the same as the one
for the inner list! Checking the generated latex, the nesting of
environments is correct. Is this a bug?

Ernesto Posse

Modelling and Analysis in Software Engineering
School of Computing
Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Attachment: a.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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