
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:59 PM, Robert Joseph
<robertjoseph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Avec LyX 2.0, comment écrire l'équation de Dirac (p barré - m)\psi = 0 ?
> (cette notation signifie (\gamma_\mu p^\mu - m)\psi = 0)
> With LyX 2.0, how to write the Dirac equation (barred p - m)\psi = 0 ?
> (that notation means (\gamma_\mu p^\mu - m)\psi = 0)
You can always write this in math mode (insert > math > formula),
additionally using <tab> calls for auto-completion. Easiest would be
though to use the toolbars available in math mode to insert the Greek
letters and the sub/superscripts. See help > math.


> Merci !
> Thank you !
> RJ

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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