Thanks Liviu

I feel quite the 'idiot' at this stage, but thanks to both you and Murat for

Murat have just seen your last mail - yes it would be great if Rob or
someone else familiar with setting it up in Windows could claridy and help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Liviu Andronic [] 
Sent: 13 June 2011 12:49 PM
To: Steve Sidney
Subject: Re: lyx 2 and sweave

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Steve Sidney <> wrote:
> Thanks for your rsponse
> But if one never runs RTools, how does it do this.
You should only need to install RTools, this way properly configuring your
Win environment for LyX to R communications, but not run it at any point
when trying to compile an Sweave document.

It was some time ago, but as far as I remember immediately after installing
RTools (and after having already registered Sweave.sty with
LaTeX) I could to easily compile LyX Sweave documents. To echo Murat, on
Linux and Mac it's all much more straightforward, since simply installing
LyX and R suffices to make LyX Sweave work.

> In the instructions, it seems as if RTools does not get run; or am I 
> missing something.
> Also when I downloaded RTools it seems as if this is a tools to 
> re-compile the source code, since a full download also inlcludes a
compiler etc.
> Furthermore, it also seems as if RTools implements Cygwin.
That might be one of the things that allows for the LyX Sweave integration.
It might be better for you to tell us what exactly doesn't work on your
set-up: LyX compilation errors, etc.


> All in all very confusing........
> Really appreciate you taking the trouble to try and help
> Regards
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liviu Andronic []
> Sent: 12 June 2011 11:32 PM
> To: Steve Sidney
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: lyx 2 and sweave
> On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Steve Sidney <> wrote:
>> How does RTools get invoked;  I see that it is a very large 
>> installation
>> (200Mb) with compiler etc but I can't see where it get used in either 
>> Rob's or your description.
> As far as I know, RTools simply (among other things) properly sets up 
> R in the Windows environment so that LaTeX and LyX can communicate 
> with R. At this step, you shouldn't be doing much more. Are you sure 
> you have reconfigured LyX?
> Liviu

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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