Le Saturday 18 June 2011 07:54:11, Liviu Andronic a écrit :
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Yves Bailly <yves.bai...@laposte.net> wrote:
> > [...]
> > I'm writing a document, the main language being french. But here and
> > there, I need to include some words in other language, e.g. japanese
> > (words like 富士山 for example, input using iBus). Document class is "book
> > (Memoir)".
> > [...]
> See if this discussion [1] can give you any pointers. Specifically
> investigate Daron Wilson's languages.module.
> [1] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.general/66485

Actually it seems I've found this message somewhere, but there was not
the whole thread :-/

I ended putting something like this in the preamble:
\newfontfamily{\JAPFNT}{Ume Mincho}
\newcommand{\JAP}[1]{{\JAPFNT #1}}

...then I can insert words using ERT.

Thanks for your help :-)

(o< | Yves Bailly                          | -o) 
//\ | Linux Dijon  : http://www.coagul.org | //\ 
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