On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Karl Linek <k...@linek.at> wrote:

This is very easy and does its job fine. Why then this projekt ist
> abandoned? It should be easy to do and it ist very important for the
> project. Many people dont carry always their notebook around. But the
> usb-stick is easy to transport. I hope there is one, who is willing to

update LyTeX.

There are more issues involved here than whether LyX can be made portable.
Some organisations have an clause in their employment contract that using
unapproved or unauthorised software is a dismissable offence with
instantenous dismissal. Just because one can (use LyX on someone else's
system) does not mean that one should.

Also the LyX user does not know what other software is running on the
machine they put their stick into. There may be botnets (4.5millions
machines supposedly running the TDL botnet for example), keyloggers, viruses
and such.

While I appreciate that a portable LyX would be useful (for example, as a
Mac user with LyX installed on all my own machines, I find it frustrating
that on customer/client machines I don't have LyX available to me) let's not
be naive about the implications of what we are doing when using portable

Now maybe if someone developed a "cloud" version of LyX then these real
objections would be removed but until that happens let's not compromise

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

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