On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Kulkarni Shantanu <
m...@lists.shantanukulkarni.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want my tufte handout title look like these ;
> http://wiki.lyx.org/uploads/Layouts/tufte-handout/1.6.x/sample-handout.lyx

Um, that LyX file and the class authors' own PDF equivalent do not have
non-slanted fonts in the headings.

> Can anyone guide in this please? I do not want slanted (italic) font.
> For TOC in handout mode, my \section and \subsections are not seen? Any
> help on this too?

Not sure I'd expect a ToC to be included in a handout (using any class).

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

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