On 07/14/2011 07:08 AM, Sebastian Rockel wrote:
> Am 09.07.2011 um 16:49 schrieb Richard Heck:
>> On 07/09/2011 10:08 AM, Sebastian Rockel wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using Lyx-2.0 with KOMA-book class (pdflatex) on Mac OSX 10.6.8.
>>> I am often using the cross-reference option 'Formatted reference' as it is 
>>> quite convenient to have automatic addition of 'figure', 'section' etc.
>>> Nevertheless I noticed (by accident) that in the Lyx window references 
>>> appear to be fine but show up in the final pdf as '??'. This is the case 
>>> for references within a 'subsection'.
>>> This is a little bit annoying as it can be overseen in a larger document 
>>> easily.
>>> Is this a bug? Has anyone else this problem?
>>> Any comments?
>> The reason for this is that LyX by default uses the prefix "sub" for
>> such references, as you create them, but neither prettyref nor refstyle
>> defines a format for this. I'm not sure if that counts as a bug or not.
>> Anyway, you can deal with it two ways.
> Thanks for the explanation.
> IMO another solution would be that LyX by default uses 'sec' instead of 'sub'.
>> (i) Put a format declaration for "sub" references into your preamble.
>> How you do this depends upon whether you are using refstyle or
>> prettyref. (This is set under Document>Settings.) For prettyref, you can
>> do something like:
>>    \newrefformat{sub}{Subsection \ref{#1}}
>> For refstyle:
>>    \newref{sub}{refcmd={Subsection \ref{#1}}}
>> Of course, you can adapt these as you wish.
>> (ii) Modify what LyX uses for subsections. This is a matter of layout,
>> and can be done in a module, in local layout (under Document>Settings),
>> or wherever you wish:
>>    Style Subsection
>>        RefPrefix sec
>>    End
>> The defaults are in the file stdrefprefix.inc. If you like, you can copy
>> the system file to your local layout directory (by default, on Linux,
>> ~/.lyx/layouts/), modify it, and then LyX will use it instead of the
>> system one.
> I tried local layout and stdrefprefix.inc  (under Mac OS) but it didn't work 
> (still '??').
> For the time being I don't use LyX 'formatted reference' and keep manually 
> writing 'section'.
Putting the above into local layout (make sure you put "Format 35" as
the first line, though) should change the default. It won't change
what's already there.


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