On Jul 14, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Eric Weir <eew...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> Reconfigure seems to have helped. I now have five koma classes. And many 
>> other new ones. However -- and I don't if this matters -- in the huge list 
>> revealed in tools > tex information > latex classes koma is still missing.
> Some times Tools > Reconfigure and Tools > TeX info > Rescan are not
> in sync. Try hitting 'rescan', too; but if what you're trying to do
> works, then don't worry about the TeX info thingy.

They may be in better sync than first appeared. As Richard pointed out, the 
koma classes all have names beginning with src, or apparently all. I have 
several of those in the tools > tex info > latex classes. So maybe I do have 
the full koma class after all. 

> In addition to reading more carefully, as suggested by Liviu, I guess I need 
> to find a class that appears somewhat relevant to my needs and get started 
> seeing what I can do with it. I think I can do that now.
> Rob has a book cooking, on Open Source Writing Tools, and to my
> knowledge it will include some extensive info on LyX and on (a subset
> of) the various LaTeX classes available, with their drawbacks,
> advantages and intended usage.
> Additionally, should it be of any help, you can also check the 'LyX
> Essentials' [1], which is a brief introduction to creating a first
> document in LyX.
> [1] https://sites.google.com/site/tsewiki/resources/latex

Thanks for the references. The latter might help, and sounds like the former 
definitely would.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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