2011/9/14 Julien Rioux <jri...@physics.utoronto.ca>:
> On 14/09/2011 9:31 PM, Manveru wrote:
>> Hi LyXers,
>> Has anyone ever successfully embed parts of Doxygen generated
>> documentation into LyX documents (Appendix in my case)?
>> I would like to have couple pages of the documentation be presented as
>> appendixes in my thesis, however single latex file included in LyX
>> want work due to "Lonely \item" errors, and I cannot include all
>> refman.tex as it is full documents with all headers.
>> Manual striping of them is not a case - it is far better not include
>> anything. This is because at any time Doxygen would rerun to generate
>> new version of reference documentation. It would be probably nice to
>> have such feature in Doxygen itself to generate stripped .tex for
>> including in other document. However such requirement has to be
>> somehow defined - what should be present in that file, and what not.
>> Maybe some LyX modules could be used to feed package dependencies.
>> Any advices? Any solutions?
> Insert it as a pdf with pdfpages?
> There's some support for that in Isert > File > External Material

I considered this, but I will get different formatting between
included content and my work. Additionally, I will get empty page
before first page of documentation would be included. Next, problem is
tweaking Doxygen LaTeX code to remove such things as title page, etc.

I made some process on including Doxygen into my document, however it
still requires manual corrections of the refman.tex file. General
result is far from being satisfactory. I am thinking on dropping this

jabber: manv...@manveru.pl
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