David B <daavidb <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,In LyX pre-2.0 I was able to put a cross-reference to an equation
 inside a
>  formula, so that it would look something like in this
http://www.latex-community.org/forum/download/file.php?id=4130If I try to
do this in LyX 2.0 the reference ends up immediately 
> above the formula, but outside of it. Does anyone know how to put 
> cross-references in formulas in 2.0?Best Regards,David

Is the following what you want?


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\begin_layout Standard
First equation: 
\begin_inset Formula 


followed by second equation:
\begin_inset Formula 
 & (\ref{eq:eq1})\nonumber \\
b & = & y-mx




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