On 29. okt. 2011 16:15, Kenedy Torcatt wrote:

4 -Can I stablish that when I press enter on keyboard the space between
paragraph be equivalent to "2 enters on word", I mean without inserting
forced spaces on lyx, you know : ctrl+enter. That would save me a lot of

When you press enter on the keyboard, you get a paragraph break. The size of paragraph breaks are indeed configurable in LyX.

Menu: Document->Settings->Text Layout

Separate paragraphs with: select "vertical space".
Notice that you can select several sizes of that vertical space.
smallskip, medskip, and bigskip are usually enough, try
them out and see what works best. If you need a very
specific distance, select "custom" and set the exact distance you need.

You should not need to use ctrl+enter between paragraphs - that is horrible. Normally, you should not need to perform such "explicit formatting" at all.

You set the font, the font size, the margins, the paragraph
skip and a few more things - and then you just write. The formatting *should* then be fully automatic, with noticeably less tweaking than word would need. That is the whole point of LyX.

Helge Hafting

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