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On 14/12/11 10:43, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On 14 Dec 2011, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> [snip]
>> But then the distribution has to be done through somebody -
>> which might not cost money, but time.
>>> More generally, I think that self-publishing printed books for 
>>> sale, unless to a very clearly defined market, is unlikely to
>>> yield much if any profit. The future, I'm sure, is in ebooks.
>>> Don't use Lulu for that; Smashwords is better. I have 6 books
>>> on Smashwords, including most of those I published with Lulu,
>>> and all are selling regularly.
>> Profit is not an issue here (although I would not mind...). ebook
>> only is also not an option, as the target user need to have
>> something printed.
> I'm still not very clear what it is you want to achieve.

OK - I'll try to clarify.
My requirements are:
1) have printed copies available for small target audience in SA. It
is difficult to determine the number, as the target audience includes
conservation managers, land owners and academics.

2) have a free electronic version available for readers who would
prefer to have an electronic version or who just want to see if they
would like to have a printed version.

As I do not know the number of printed copies needed, I think that
printing a certain number is a problem, as if more are needed, it
becomes necessary to have again a larger number printed -
organizational hassle.
Therefore the idea of print-on-demand:

a) post a bulk-order based on known readers who will buy the book
b) possibility to place additional bulk order
c) individual orders possible

The electronic version is no problem - pdf, html, other ebook formats
can be provided on website for download.

I don't see a global market being interested in the printed version -
global interest might be academic, but academics are usually OK with
electronic versions, and if not, there is print-on-demand.

I definitely see your point of local printing - and problems as you
describe below would not be nice...

Thanks a lot,


> If it is to have a book printed AND have it distributed widely,
> possibly globally, via Amazon and other online retailers, Lulu is
> probably the best way to go. There is a fee for this service. See
> this link for details.
> http://connect.lulu.com/t5/ISBN-Distribution/How-does-the-distribution-process-work/ta-p/33620
> If you just want to print a number of copies which you will supply 
> yourself to students or something like that, it would probably be
> better to have it printed locally. You would need to inquire about
> prices, minimum print run, etc. Antony Rowe, for example, has a
> setup fee, but thereafter their prices are lower than Lulu's and
> you can print from one copy upwards without penalty for smaller
> numbers.
> Another advantage of getting local printing is that you can be sure
> of quality. I have been lucky with Lulu myself, apart from one time
> when they printed someone else's book in my cover, but you will
> find people in the Lulu forums who have horror stories of
> unacceptable books resulting in long email arguments with Lulu. I
> like to deal with a firm that I can ring up and grouse to if I need
> to.
> Anthony

- -- 
Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :       +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:       +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :       +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):    +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44

email:      rai...@krugs.de

Skype:      RMkrug
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