Hello there, I need to write some arabic words with English documents but I 
need your help since I faced some problems.Blow are my two questions? First: I 
Installed the packages arabTeX and arabi using MiKTeX's Package Manager but 
when I am trying to export to pdf  file, the process failed and LYX asked  me 
about Arabic bind file  which I could not find in the Bind folder at all and do 
not know from where can I download it ? Second: I alway come across these 
statement "~/.lyx/lyxrc" when reading instructions but do not know what do they 
mean by .lyx ? Is it a folder on my computercause I went to c:\Program 
Files\Lyx\ but there is no folder called .lyx or even lyxrc ? I am using 
windows 7.  Hope to find answers through this mailing list. thanks in 

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