
I'm a linguistics-student and want to switch from Word to Lyx (on
Windows). I have 5 beginner-questions:

1. I've read, that it is needed to install spellcheck-dictionaries for
other languages and additional modules (e.g. for linguistic documents)
seperately. Where do I find these and how do I install them so that
Lyx uses them?

2. Does the bundle-installer that includes all additional software
that is needed, install all programs or does it only include these
programs but I have to install each of them seperately?

3. If I want to update Lyx do I only have to install the not bundled?
But how can I keep Latex, Ghostscript, etc. up to date?

4. I've read on the english download-page that the bundle includes
Cygwin. Is this also needed for Lyx on Windows? Because on the german
download page is the information, that the cygwin-version is another
one. And the bundled version of the english download-page is missing

5. How do I enter em-dashes and en-dashes in Lyxx?

I hope you can help me,

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