Guenter Milde wrote:

> On 2012-03-07, Neal Becker wrote:
>> I can insert my code listing as a float in 2 ways, it appears.
>> I can insert an algorithm float, then insert a program listing into it.  This
>> results in a caption 'Algorithm ...'
>> Else, I can insert a program listing, enter the settings dialog, and select
>> float.  I can then add a caption, and it will say 'Listing ...'.
>> There does not appear to be a way to decide later I want to change all those
>> 'Algorithms' to 'Listings'.  Also, the look of these 2 floats is quite
>> different.  Seems like this should be more unified.
> I rather assume the documentation should make more clear that these are
> completely different things. The "algorithm" is intended for mathematical
> algorigthms, not code.
> You might try to change one instance in LyX and then (looking at the
> differences) the others in the *.lyx file with a text editor.
> Günter

I like the way Algorithm looks, with a heavy rule above the caption.  This is 
apparantly produced in Algorithm using 

Is there some way to achieve the same effect in listings?  I know there is 

option for listings, which will produce a thin rule above/below code, but I 
want a heavy rule above caption:


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