Thank you Helge

Yes that worked!
Your explanation makes sense.
What a wonderful group this LyX-Users list is!
No flaming, no spurious suggestions - just thoughthful and measured

Thank you very much.

John O'Gorman

On 19/03/12 22:04, Helge Hafting wrote:
> On 15. mars 2012 05:11, John O'Gorman wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm trying to put a jpeg image on the left with a paragraph of text to
>> its right.
>> I've tried putting these items into a table.
>> I've tried putting them into 2 lyx boxes (aka minipages) with an hfill
>> between them.
>> In both instances the left element (the graphics is top aligned) and
>> right one is bottom aligned.
>> They look OK  (both top aligned) within LyX but not when I view or print
>> the DVI or PDF.
>> Can anyone help?
> To see what happens, temporarily turn on borders for those minipages.
> The sizes might be surprising.
> In this case, you get one box just tall enough for the graphic, and
> another just tall enough for the text. So alignment inside the voz
> won't matter, as there aren't room for positioning inside anyway.
> The boxes themselves lines up by their "first baselines". So the
> reference for your text box is the baseline of the first line of text.
> In the box with graphics, the image can be seen as a single huge
> letter. So its baseline is the bottom of the graphic, and this line up
> with the first line of text in the other box.
> A simple fix:
> Add a blank line first in both boxes. ctrl+space for a protected
> space, then ctrl+enter for a forced linebreak. Now both boxes line
> up by the top. (really, by the baseline of the blank line at the top.
> But since both boxes now starts with a blank line, the top is also
> aligned.
> This may be "good enough". There is some extra whitespace at the
> top of the boxes, it might not matter if you aren't going to
> have borders anyway.
> You can also experiment with setting the box height, then the
> internal alignment gets useful. Keep the borders "on" until you like
> what you see.
> Helge Hafting

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