On 03/23/2012 10:25 AM, Jan Helebrant wrote:
Hi all,
as I am totally disgusted and angry after trying to force Word to produce file 
compatible with Oxford Journals Radiation Protection Dosimetry and I also would 
like to try LYX, I tried to install their latex template from here:
they have some info for authors here:

I have linux version of lyx 2.0.3 + tetex 3.0.19 (installed automatically with 
lyx from repository, linux is Pclinuxos 2012, KDE4).

First I must say, that I read tutorials here:
and also some info about the files

I tried to follow them, but I am totally unable to make the class available. 
Can anybody advise me, where should I put those files? The package consists of:

Rpd.cls         28 KB   9.4.2004        12:29:14
amsbsy.sty      4 KB    8.4.2004        16:58:36
amsfonts.sty    8 KB    8.4.2004        16:59:48
amsgen.sty      6 KB    8.4.2004        16:58:16
amsmath.sty     81 KB   8.4.2004        16:57:44
amsopn.sty      6 KB    8.4.2004        16:58:52
amssymb.sty     16 KB   8.4.2004        16:59:30
amstext.sty     4 KB    8.4.2004        16:58:00
amsthm.sty      14 KB   8.4.2004        17:00:04
color.cfg       1 KB    8.4.2004        17:01:28
color.sty       7 KB    8.4.2004        16:59:08
crop.cfg        2 KB    29.3.2004       12:18:28
crop.sty        13 KB   8.4.2004        16:56:10
document.pdf    40 KB   9.4.2004        12:31:02
document.tex    16 KB   9.4.2004        12:30:44
documentation.doc       23 KB   8.4.2004        18:50:26
flushend.sty    6 KB    31.5.2001       20:49:38
graphics.cfg    1 KB    8.4.2004        17:00:52
graphics.sty    14 KB   8.4.2004        16:56:30
graphicx.sty    8 KB    8.4.2004        16:57:10
keyval.sty      3 KB    8.4.2004        16:57:26
times.sty       1 KB    8.4.2004        17:00:20
trig.sty        4 KB    8.4.2004        16:56:46

I tried various locations including /home/jan.helebrant/texmf/tex/latex/, used 
texhash and reconfigured LYX many times but the class is still unavailable.
Stefano's advice was good. The only thing I'd add is to put all these files somewhere
so as not to confuse LaTeX, as many of these files are ones you'll already have, in fact, with any TeX installation.

So get these installed simply so LaTeX can see them, as Stefano suggested. Then it's on to creating a layout file, without which LyX doesn't know the class exists. I've had a look at the file, and, though it's not based on article.cls, it looks pretty much like a standard article
sort of class. So you might actually get away with just doing this:
    cd ~/.lyx/layouts/
That's your local LyX layouts directory.
    cp /usr/share/lyx/layouts/article.layout Rpd.layout
Note how the name of the layout file corresponds to the name of the class file. Now open that file in your favorite text editor, e.g.:
    kate Rpd.layout
The first two lines look like:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{article}

Change the second one to something like:

#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (RPD)}

Save the file. Now open LyX and do Tools>Reconfigure. Then close LyX again, and re-open it. You now out to have "article (RPD)" as an option, and you can also try importing the document.tex file that they provide.

If you have problems, ask here again.


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