Actually, I think you have a much simpler problem: your bib file is
corrupted (probably because of the translation from Mendeley). There
are no strange character in the original ref. Here is the correct ref,
just downloaded from

  author={Raghbendra Jha and Sambit Bhattacharyya and Raghav Gaiha and
Shylashri Shankar},
  title={Capture of Anti-Poverty Programs: An Analysis of the National
Rural Employment Guarantee Program in India},
  month= ,
  institution={Australian National University, Australia South Asia
Research Centre},
  type={ASARC Working Papers},
  abstract={Using pooled household level data for the Indian states of
Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh we find that the size of landholdings is
a negative predictor of participation in the National Rural Employment
Guarantee Program (NREGP). In state level analysis this pattern
survives in Rajasthan but reverses in Andhra Pradesh where we notice a
positive relationship. This paper examines whether this sign reversal
in Andhra Pradesh is indicative of program capture in Andhra Pradesh
and better targeting in Rajasthan. We compare land inequality,
political interference, and geographical remoteness across the two
states and conclude that program capture may be an issue in Andhra
Pradesh, largely because of these reasons. We also find evidence of
complementarity between NREGP and the Public Distribution System
  keywords={Capture; Poverty; India}

it is a perfectly standard bibtex ref. So, forget what I said about
unicode, etcetera. Just go back to Mendeley and look into the export
actions you originally took. I think something went wrong there. It
may be an encoding issue. Sorry I cannot help more, but I've never
used mendeley.



Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

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