stefano franchi <stefano.franchi <at>> writes:

> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Peter Coles <coleszilla <at>> 
> >> Richard Heck <rgheck <at>> writes:
> > Thank you. Could you shed some light on where I should be making these 
> > Am I to insert \renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]{....} as ERT somewhere 
> > the main .lyx document? Or is there some other file I need to edit?  I'm 
> > LyX for Windows.
> >
> Peter,
> you should copy the whole block of code and paste it into your
> preamble (Document>>Settings>>Latex Preamble)
> Then, change the first line to read
> \renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]
> ("renew" instead of "new")
> Now you are ready to play with the parameters as Richard suggested.
> Cheers,
> Stefano

Stefano, Richard thanks.  After some toying, the following worked:

1) I added to the preamble the full block Richard described, replacing the 
<at>'s with at symbols (this replacement was probably obvious to everyone 
me.) I also changed the first line as you suggested.

2) I added   \setlength\itemindent{-.5in} to the block, and changed 
\leftmargin\labelwidth to \setlength\leftmargin{.5in}

The bibliography style I am using, aea.bst, seems to use empty labels rather 
than, for example, numbers to enumerate bibliography items. Hence, rather than 
playing with the labelwidth, which had no effect for me, I indented by a 
negative amount and then shoved the whole list back to the right the same 

A pain, but it's done!  Thanks, all.

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