Hi Richard thanks for your answer.
Yes, the BibTeX bibliography settings is set for 'all cited references'.
I also tried to rescan the database before running latex but that did not
change anything.
I should mention that I am using biber-natbib for my references (maybe
that's the reason).

In my preamble I have:

\usepackage[style=geb,natbib=true, backend=biber]{biblatex}

Then in the document:
Note: BibTeX Generated Bibliography

Any ideas?

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org> wrote:

> On 06/29/2012 07:44 PM, Roey Angel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I want to remove a citation from a document in Lyx I typically simply
>> delete
>> the field.
>> Trouble is that doesn't prevent the citation from appearing in the
>> reference
>> list (although it's no longer cited anywhere in the document).
>> Instead I also have to edit my BibTeX file and delete it there as well.
>> Why is it behaving like this? shouldn't LaTeX only include in the
>> reference list
>> those entries in the BibTeX record that were actually cited in the paper?
>> Isn't
>> that one of the major reasons why reference managers exist?
> Here's a guess. Click on the bibliography inset (which lists the BibTeX
> databases you are using). Toward the bottom, there is a combo box that
> is labelled "content". There are two choices: (i) All cited references;
> (ii) All
> references. The former does what you want; the latter prints all citations
> from the BibTeX file, whether they are used or not.
> If that's not the problem, then we'll talk more.
> Richard

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