I am not sure if my mail has been reaching out; I checked the online
archive of the mailing list & couldn't find my last 2 forwards. So I
removed the attached zip in case this is the cause of the problem.

To get the zip: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/60916509/lyx.zip

Sorry for the inconvenience, if any!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Re: Dimensions too large + minibox problems (LaTeX errors)
Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2012 20:31:58 +0300
From: Merhebi, Bob <bobmerh...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: bobmerh...@gmail.com
To: Ignacio García <ignacio.gmora...@gmail.com>
CC: LyX Users <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Dimensions too large + minibox problems (LaTeX errors)
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 03:55:17 +0300
From: Merhebi, Bob <bobmerh...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: bobmerh...@gmail.com
To: Ignacio García <ignacio.gmora...@gmail.com>
CC: lyx-users <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>

On Mon 25 Jun 2012 09:47:45 AM EEST, Ignacio García wrote:
>   Merhebi, Bob wrote
> > When I want to view the DVI I get several LaTeX errors; mainly the
> > "Dimension too Large"
> I can't reproduce it

neither can I! (oh see below!)

> > & the other errors related to the last minibox.
> The last minibox is in 'Description' environment: change it to Normal layout
that solved it :D thanks

>  > Moreover, one "graphical" problem is the long minibox. In the original
> > document it's too long to appear on the page (part of it is hid under
> > the bottom margin). In the attached document you can see that it reaches
> > the page number!
> You can try to adjust the Page Margins in Document Settings

I do not wish to adjust the margins as I already set them to the
desired values. Isn't there an option such that the box splits into two
(i.e; on separate pages) to remain within the margins?

Ah I was just checking the box settings & found "Allow Page Breaks"
which I cannot use except when "Inner Box" is "None"; then I get Latex
errors again! (attached as zip with image included; the previous
"Dimensions too large" error is back when i inserted the image)

Note: all errors appear in DVI view

> Regards
> Ignacio García

Sincerely Yours,
-Merhebi, Bob

Thunderbird Signature

Sincerely Yours,
-Merhebi, Bob

Thunderbird Signature

Sincerely Yours,
-Merhebi, Bob

Thunderbird Signature

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