On 07/12/2012 02:45 PM, Ray Rashif wrote:
I'm trying to export my entire document to a format which can be
edited in conventional word processing software (OpenOffice, MS Word).
As RTF does not support images, and HTML export does not retain much
of the formatting (e.g. citations, sometimes not even appearing),

Have you tried using LyX's own XHTML export? I've had very good luck using it for this

I am left with ODF. However, I have not been successful. This is the final

An error occurred while running:
mk4ht oolatex "thesis.tex"

If it's important, this is a master-child doc, with images formatted
in PDF (vector), JPG and PNG, some of them resized, scaled, rotated. I
also have foreign characters, but the document is in English. The
encoding for some child docs are utf8 extended, where there are some
accents and umlauts (mainly names and such).

The oolatex program, which is what LyX is trying to use for conversion, is pretty famously a difficult beast. If the document is complicated, then I'd definitely suggest you export it to LaTeX and try using oolatex manually. It'll be easier to see what the problem is.


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