On 07/21/2012 11:34 PM, Allen Barker wrote:
On 07/20/2012 03:40 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:
Also, math-macros are document specific - defining a math-macro in one
document does not make it available in other ones. This is why my
documents include a file of commonly used math macros -- just like I
\input a file with commonly used preamble definitions in my LaTeX

Could you elaborate on the best way to include a file of
commonly-used math macros, in a way which is compatible
with Lyx?  I tend to use a lot of \DeclareMathOperator
commands in the preamble, for example.

These kinds of commands do not (now) have any LyX equivalent, so they are
just entered as raw LaTeX and naturally go in the preamble. So put them in
some file mycmds.tex, and input it into your LyX preamble in the usual way.

I've avoided the Lyx macro stuff so far because it has
seemed to me to be *too* document specific.  I don't know
if it actually is, but I haven't found that information in
the preliminary searches I've conducted.

I have several files, for different projects, that contain nothing but math macros.
This gets input into my other documents, using Insert>File>Child Document.

Note that LyX doesn't know anything about what you put in the preamble (it
just gets output raw into your document preamble), so if you use your new
math operators in LyX, they'll work, but not look nice. So the attached shows a way around this problem. The difference between \test and \lest doesn't show
up inside LyX, but it does in the output.


Attachment: mathop.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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