On 8/23/2012 11:06 PM, Les Denham wrote:
I have had similar problems with beamer and BibTeX in English when a
name in the bibliography had an accented character (é I think).

I did figure out a workaround, but I don't remember exactly how. I
think it involved putting the offending reference in a separate .bib
file, but I don't remember the details and no longer have the files.

Thanks for your comment Les. I solved this by using Document > Settings > Language > Encoding > Other: Unicode (utf8).

Turns out that I also did this in the article document class file I mentioned in my OP because of other Unicode symbols, but forgot about that setting.

I am curious: Could be my setup is borked up, but here I thought specifying "German" as the document language takes care of inputenc in respect to German diacritics and special characters such as the "ß" for the bibliography.


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