> Sorry for the repeated posting, but I haven't been able to find a
> solution to my problem.
> I'd like to know how I can change the header font from italicised
> serif to non-italicised san-serif.
> If anyone knows where I can place the \sffamily, or \textsf commands
> for the desired result, I will be most chuffed.
> I am using the report (KOMA-SCRIPT) document class.

The class/package documentation files on CTAN are usually your friend.

Your local CTAN mirror will hold a copy of the Koma-Script
documentation scrguien.pdf.

There, in section 5.1.3 "Formatting of Header and Footer", you will
find the following explanation:


The command \headfont contains the commands which determine the font of
header and footer lines. Command \footfont contains the difference of
the footer to that. The difference for the style of the page number is
defined by the command \pnumfont.


If, for example, one wants the header to be typeset in bold sans serif,
the footer in non-bold sans serif, and the page number in a slanted
serif style, then one can use the following definitions:

\renewcommand {\headfont}{\normalfont \sffamily\bfseries}
\renewcommand* {\footfont} {\normalfont\sffamily}
\renewcommand {\pnumfont}{\normalfont \rmfamily \slshape}

>From version 2.8p of the KOMA-Script classes a new unified user
interface scheme is implemented for font attributes. If scrpage2 is
used together with one of these classes, then it is recommended to set
up font attributes in the manner described in section 3.6 from page 50


Instead of \renewcommand the command \setkomafont should be used to
configure the font attributes. The previous definitions can then be
written as:

\setkomafont {pagefoot}{\normalfont\sffamily} 

[end of blockquote]

So, to use an upright sans-serif for the header you would use this (I
haven't tried it):


In LyX, this command would have to be included in the preamble, in
Documents->Settings->Preamble. Preferably at the last line.


Wolfgang Keller

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