On 2012-11-30, Leslaw Bieniasz wrote:
> Guenter Milde <milde <at> users.sf.net> writes:

>> I recommend using the LaTeX package "isomath"
>> (http://www.ctan.org/pkg/isomath):

> Will this work with MikTeX and LyX?


> I do not see a version for MikTeX there.

There are no special versions for MikTeX/TeXLive, ... You can either try
to install it via the MikTeX package manager or "by hand" visiting the
CTAN directory
and following the instructions there.

For "LyX-feedback" I defined a math-macro with LyX-code:

  \begin_inset FormulaMacro

which gives bold-italic vectors in both, LyX and print.

If you use Computer Modern or Latin Modern fonts, you can also
use the fixmath package for bold italic math fonts.


and in the formulas: \mathbold{x}


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