Gregory Jefferis wrote:
> > In such world even knowing what "merging" or "branching" means qualifies
> I think the idea of merging is pretty obvious ? 

If you mean "git merge" then I'm happy to tell you that some people I need to 
work with even don't
know what is command line in which you can write the command or decrypt 
whatever comes from git
in case of conflict :)

One solution would be to detect merge conflicts and call our diff algorithm for 
the different versions.
This would be beautiful but an order of magnitude harder to implement (surely 
not me:)

> if you wanted to have bare bones support for git in lyx you would need
> * commit (saving your changes)
> * push (share your work)
> * pull (fetch changes and merge with your work)

I know what I need, but the question was about your workflow.
In particular, does it make sense in your case to automatically push after 

> After testing out the existing svn implementation I think this is actually 
> simpler to automatically merge with git than to lock files with svn.

Maybe more powerful, but simpler? I have hard time to understand how resolving 
merge conflicts is _simpler_ than automatical locking part of the document you 
work on.
But Ok, we don't agree here, let is sleep.

> what would be more important for my workflow is the ability to do merges by a 
> functional diff in lyx.

This is the key point and I recommend that you add some comment or CC-yourself 
in bug #6889
to indicate that this bug hunts more people and add it more importance...


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