On 2013-01-10, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I try to convert 
> CKI\varepsilon
> into 
> mathrm, but that gives me CKI''

> Is this known, that greek characters do not convert, or am I missing 
> something?

Upright Greek is a known problem. 

* By default, Greek letters are treated as symbols, not letters and left
  as-is if put into \mathrm or other \math... alphabets (i.e. you will
  still get an italic character).
* with the fixmath or isomath package, math alphabet changes work for latin
  and greek letters. The downside is, that in the default upright (roman)
  math fonts, the Greek letters are missing and you will get garbage.

See e.g. the isomath packages documentation for a buch of workarounds.



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