On 14.01.2013 09:35, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
I notice when I press the double-quote key in a LyX-Code environment
that LyX displays *slanted* double quotes, nor does there seem to be any
shortcut specified to produce straight double quotes. I can understand
this for the usual text environments (Standard, Quote etc.) but for
LyX-Code this seems wrong. LyX-Code is used for things like program
listings, where double quotes are usually understood to be ASCII 34s.
Copying and pasting code fragments containing slanted double quotes from
a LyX-Code environment into a program will generally produce errors
because of this.

I've tripped on this before and have now assigned the shortcut

command-sequence self-insert "

to Ctrl+Shift+' to produce ASCII 34. (On my keyboard Shift+' is the
straight double quote symbol which LyX converts into slanted quotes.) I
think a key combination to produce ASCII 34 should be part of "standard
LyX", specifically for the LyX-Code environment.

One workaround could be to use "listing" instead of LyXCode (Insert -> Program Listing), with the option:
(to be typed in the Listing "Settings" window, "Advanced" tab)

Best regards,



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