Op 02-04-13 10:30, Paolo M schreef:
Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2013-04-02, xpol wrote:

The information given is not sufficient for more help than guesses.

What OS are you using? Which LaTeX distribution? Where did you get
package from (via LaTeX distribution, "manual" download from CTAN,

Sometimes it is sufficient to run "mktexlr" or "texhash", but with
installations there are some more helper programs required...

I am using 'texlive' for linux/opensuse 12.3
I had tried 'texhash', but no avail

thank you

If you mean the "culmus-fonts" package in opensuse, this is not a latex package, but just contains the fonts (can only be used in xelatex of luatex).

For support of Hebrew, you can install "texlive-collection-langhebrew".

If you use the opensuse packages, manual running texhash or something like that is not needed.

FYI: in openSUSE 12.3 the packaging of texlive is completely changed compared with earlier releases. See e.g.


Kind regards,


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