On 05/01/2013 10:59 PM, Jerry wrote:
On May 1, 2013, at 5:21 AM, ehud.kaplan wrote:

I had tried to convert from a Lyx document (a Ph.D. thesis, ~140 pages) to 
LibreOffice (File/Export/HTML).  Much of it worked, but there were many 
        • Equation numbers moved from right to left
        • Figures were totally distorted (size scaled up),
        • Some equations and algorithms were mangled
        • Several sections appeared centered instead of being left justified as 
they were originally.
Using File/Export/LYXHTML produced similar results, although the equation 
numbers were not mangled.
In short, such conversions do a lot, but they also leave a lot for manual 
fixing.  I suspect that if such a path were available, many more people would 
use Lyx.
I agree, as do many others.

A while back I spent a lot of time evaluating the various  ways to convert LyX 
to .odt or .docx and found that none of them work well. (Apologies to those who 
are reading this who have actually worked on the problem and made substantial 
progress.) Some work with certain restricted sets of features but add an 
equation or something else and they break.

One would hope with all the talk on the developers' list recently with the 
Google Summer of Code that this would be at the top of the list of things to do.

I am somewhat confused about this. I see the need to convert a TeX document, or by extension a LyX file, to (or from) Word format to be an occasional thing, necessitated by some journal insisting on Word, or a collaborator who can't work with anything else. I don't see this as something worth the large amount of effort to make into a single button-push. For one thing, that would probably be unfeasible even in the short term, and since the latest Word formats are a moving target it would require significant maintenance even if it were possible.

I coauthored a paper that my collaborator typed, in Word. Not only could I not translate that to something I could read --- Ooffice at the time could not read the equations he had done in Word, but the journal actually re-typeset the whole thing in LaTeX in order to print it.

I would not expect to be able to effortlessly convert a 140-page thesis from Word *.docx to html. Can Word itself really do that in a way that does not mangle equations?


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

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