On 06/05/2013 07:14 AM, Min Wu wrote:

Dear John,


Thank you for your kind reply and sorry for not explaining my case very clearly.


Yes, I am using Windows and the Lyx version is 2.0.0.  


The case is earlier the citation keys in the text of a Lyx file is shadowed and by clicking that shadow, we can add more keys as we want. But, I don’t remember which button I clicked and the citation keys were then changed into the Latex language with a red box around, as shown. I can still print the PDF files with the changed display format of the citation keys. So I assume there should be some ways to change the display format of the citation keys.  But I have not figured out how to change them back to the shadow format for the citation keys, which is more convenient for editing.

Did you ever export this file to LaTeX and then reimport it?



Highly appreciate your help!


Best regards




From: Min Wu
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 2:29 PM
To: 'lyx-d...@lists.lyx.org'
Subject: problems about the citation key display



Dear Sir/Madam,


I have a problem about the citation key display in my Lyx files. Previously, the citation keys show in my Lyx files like “Description:
C:\Users\miwu\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\Users\124057366\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\E05]YKJV@TFY@N_23_C]6I1.jpg ” In this case, I can add more citations through the pop-up dialogue window. However, for some reasons I don’t know, the citation keys have been displayed like “Description:
C:\Users\miwu\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\Users\124057366\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\PMR98J(9KPYMT8I)KZT`TGF.jpg”, which I cannot add more citations by clicking it.


Can you tell me how to change the display style back to the initial one?


Thank you in advance!


Best Regards

Min WU

PhD student

Dept. of Civil Engineering

Technical University of Denmark

Brovej, Building 118

DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Phone: +45 45 25 18 13

E-mail:  m...@byg.dtu.dk


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