I use the memoir class for both books and article and I modified the memoir
layout accordingly to create a "memoir-article" layout. I would like LyX to
format chapter headings *on screen* (pdf output is fine) the same way it
formats all other section headings, that is:

"counter" space "chapter title"

instead of the standard formatting for the book class(es):

Chapter "counter"
"chapter title"

In short, I want to:

1. Remove the prefix "Chapter"

2. Remove the newline after the chapter counter.

My problem is that I cannot find a way to achieve 2.

The code for the chapter style in stdsections.inc is:

Style Chapter
    Margin                Static
    Category              Section
    LabelString           "Chapter \thechapter"
    LabelStringAppendix   "Appendix \thechapter"
    LabelType             Counter
    LabelCounter          chapter
    TocLevel              0
    LatexType             Command
    LatexName             chapter
    NeedProtect           1
    NextNoIndent          1
    ParSkip               0.4
    TopSep                4
    BottomSep             0.8
    ParSep                0.8
    Align                 Block
    OptionalArgs          1
      Series              Bold
      Size                Huge
    HTMLTag               h1

Since reading the customization manual was of no help,  I tried copying it
into the local layout field and removing/changing options one by one while
checking their effects. It is obvious that I can remove the "Chapter"
prefix by removing it from  the LabelString field, but that still leaves
the newline in place and I get:

Chapter "counter"
"chapter title"

If I comment out the LabelString field altogether, I get back the standard
behavior (prefix/counter/newline/title), interestingly enough. The same
thing happens if, instead of modifying the chapter style, I start from the
section style in stdsections.inc and change the relevant parameters in
LabelCounter and LatexName from "section" to "chapter"

In short, I'm stumped. Perhaps the behavior of the chapter style is
hard-coded somewhere? If not, could someone enlighten me?



Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA


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