On Sat, 17 Aug 2013 07:30:43 -0600 "Ken Springer snowsh...@q.com" sent

>I'm always looking for software that fits me better, giving me the 
>output I'm looking for.

  I use it for just about everything letters, notes, articles and
  anything that doesn't need fancy fonts for the output, and I don't
  write html in it either.

 Pluses, minuses? Don't know what they mean? I think it's a two way
 street for me. I do what I want in LyX and bend it to my will, but it
 bends me to it's will to a certain extent as well. Because I don't use
 fancy fonts as much as I once did.

 I take a bit of time to create a template for just about everything
 and tweak it when required.

The letter template is there for each organisation with appropriate
letterhead, but tweak each one for a short letter or for people who I
think have macular degeneration etc..

Some articles need a wider text area, so tweak the geometry on the fly

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