On 23/08/13 23:33, Richard Heck wrote:
On 08/20/2013 08:16 PM, Alan L Tyree wrote:
I'm having trouble with this. I have a LaTeX file with multiple indexes (defined in accordance with LyX conventions). I want to convert it to LyX.

The relevant part of the preamble looks like this:

\newindex[Table of Statutes]{tab}
\newindex[Table of Cases]{tab1}

Except for the Index entries, I'm not getting a clean import. Is there some trick to this?

You might ask about this on devel. I'm not sure if tex2lyx handles multiple indexes.


Thanks, Richard. After quite a bit of experimentation, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't.


Alan L Tyree                    http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~alan
Tel:  04 2748 6206              sip:typh...@iptel.org

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