Am Monday, 26. August 2013, 10:37:23 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 4:20 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann
> <> wrote:
> > Am Monday, 26. August 2013, 06:48:31 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> >> This program is meant to ease the installation of TeX Live 2013 on
> >> 
> >> Ubuntu versions 12.04 and later. To use, simply run
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> sudo ./install-tl-ubuntu
> > 
> > Scott,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I tried it on LunixMint (Debian) version15
> > 
> > and I get bash: ./install-tl-ubuntu: file not fould
> > 
> > Is this, because it is not an Ubuntu based version?
> Hi Wolfgang,
> I should have been more careful with the instructions. You first have
> to get install-tl-ubuntu (and debian-control-texlive-in.txt). The
> easiest way to do this is:
> git clone
> Then go to the directory and that's where you can run the command.
> In general, ./something means <<run the program 'something' which is
> located in my current directory>>. Thus you have to have a file named
> 'something' in your current directory. Also, it must be executable.
> All of that said, I would not recommend running this on Mint unless
> you are prepared for something to go wrong. I have not tested at all
> and there are some fragile things in the script that I could easily
> see breaking.
> Best,
> Scott

Thanks, Scott.

You mentioned in your announcement:

It provides the following features:

- installs TeX Live 2013
- notifies apt so that apt does not try to install the Ubuntu
texlive-* packages as dependencies (e.g. if you do sudo apt-get
install lyx)
- installs (optionally) additional LaTeX files for common journals
that are not included in TeX Live 2013
- links to the folder where Ubuntu installs TeX files so that when you
install Ubuntu packages (e.g. FoilTeXand noweb) with LaTeX files, they
will be available

It can optionally install the TeX dependencies for all of LyX's
templates and examples.

It can be downloaded from here:

if I have installed texlive2013 from the DVD
can I 

- installs (optionally) additional LaTeX files for common journals
that are not included in TeX Live 2013

by another way and from where?


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