Ok, I know I should've first read the whole AMSmath documentation before asking 
this but... this is faster...

Say I have a bunch of equations within a labeled subequations environment.  
Something like (in LaTeX):

<Some math>
<Some text>
<Some math> \\
<Some math> \\
<Some math>
... \ref{eq:eq1} ...

The equations are all labeled with the same number and with the roman 
subnumbers from a through d.
As long as I'm aware, I can only \ref{} the main label.  I can not make an 
automatic reference to a particular subequation unless I label it as well.
If I don't do it, I have to write the roman subnumber manually.  However, if I 
later on insert another equation within the subequations, I'll have to scan the 
whole document and fix the subnumbers in all cross references...

Does anyone know of a way to automatize this process?  Without having to label 
individual eqs, I mean.  Perhaps there's a package in CTAN that I don't know 
of.  And does LyX support it?

Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

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