On 09/09/2013 10:29 AM, Alfredo Maldonado Guerra wrote:

I'm using LyX 2.0.3 under Ubuntu 13.04. (The 2.0.3 version is the latest available in the Ubuntu repositories at the moment).

I'm using the default spellchecker engine (Enchant), language = English (UK).

When I add a word not recognised by the spellchecker to my personal dictionary LyX stops highlighting it in red, as expected. However, when I close the program and open it again, I notice that all of the words that I added to the personal dictionary are again highlighted in red, making me believe that they were not added to my personal dictionary. Of course, adding words every time I start a new LyX session is quite cumbersome.

How can I make LyX remember words added to the personal dictionary between sessions?

My words are saved under $HOME/.config/enchant/en_US.dic . My system is slightly different (debian testing, lyx-2.0.6 --- which, by the way, you can install in Ubuntu since it comes from debian).

Check to make sure those directories are present (well, of course, with that other language...), and that they are writable. Permissions problems used to be more common, but still occur occasionally.


David L. Johnson

Some people used to claim that, if enough monkeys sat in front of
enough typewriters and typed long enough, eventually one of them would
reproduce the collected works of Shakespeare.  The internet has
proven this not to be the case.

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