When I try to use the tufte book layout I get the following error

! Argument of \MakeTextUppercase has an extra }.

Detailed error message:

In order to see, if you get the same error message, please open the file 
of the wiki page http://wiki.lyx.org/Layouts/Tufte-book#toc1 and then
view it as DVI. 

If I create a new file manually, change the document class to tufte and
create a title for a book, the same error message gets shown.

I have arch/manjaro installed und use LyX 2.0.6 with texlive 2013.30815-2. 

Is there anything I can do to make tufte layout work again, as it did at
earlier times?


P.S.: If I view it with pdflatex it works. 

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