On 14/10/2013 4:08 a.m., Mark Horton wrote:
Andrew Parsloe <aparsloe <at> clear.net.nz> writes:

On 9/10/2013 11:34 a.m., Andrew Parsloe wrote:

Stephano has replied, but he has not used MikTeX and doesn't use
Combining that with my near complete ignorance he has quite sensibly
suggested I try to find out about installing packages with MikTeX.

Having so far managed to produce a pretty impressive document (if only
weight) in LyX I am quite keen to keep it up and finish it in LyX if I


Have you managed to produce a pdf version of your document? If you have
then you most likely already have MiKTeX installed on your system. Go to
the Start button,  click on All Programs and scan down the list to
MiKTeX, click on that, then on Maintenance, then on Package Manager.
Scan down the list of packages until you come to minitoc. If it is
already installed there will be a date in the "Installed on" column. If
not, select minitoc and click the + button, upper left of the package
manager window. Assuming you are currently connected to the internet,
the minitoc package will be downloaded and installed for you.

I omitted one item in the recipe for using minitoc in my previous
posting. The sequence is this:

1. Add \usepackage{minitoc} to your document preamble

2. Insert \dominitoc in ERT (or TeX code) *before* your document's table
of contents

3. After each chapter heading insert \minitoc in ERT

That's it. All the rest is tinkering or catering for special
circumstances. The minitoc documentation is large, but only the first
two chapters are relevant to the user.


Further to the above, I've attached a summary about using minitoc with
LyX -- changing various settings. I was going to put it on the wiki, but
it's not clear to me exactly where to put it.


Attachment (minitoc.lyx): application/x-lyx, 13 KiB

Hi Andrew

Thanks for that, I have a bit of your solution working...

Firstly your attached file is Binary, and I don't know what to do with it,
it may lead to the info I need. If it is a link to the minitoc user manual I
have it.

My apologies, I should have mentioned. I saved the file in compressed format so as not to burden the list with unnecessary bytes. If you open the file in LyX and look on the menu bar under Document, you will see Compressed there, with a tick beside it. Click on it to clear the compression. Next time you save the document it will be saved in uncompressed format. (The save icon may be greyed out. You may have to, e.g., tap the space bar then erase the space to enable the icon.)


Next I tried to edit the latex “source”, as described. Because that doesn’t
seem to be possible in Lyx I used TexWorks,  as found in the MiTeX2.9
However this meant exporting from Lyx to latex plain format. After doing the
edits and re-importing back into Lyx I found that firstly the links to
graphics were broken. The loss of graphics is not  a major problem because
there are only 9 graphics in the whole document.
More of a problem (I think) is that I cannot view what I have done so far,
(I have not used any option settings just put code in as suggested.) because
lots of errors come up.
For the graphics there are…
LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in
For the command lines you said to insert there are…
Undefined control sequence.

Nevertheless I have continued to work in TeXworks to see how far I can get.
With the Tables of Contents and have got quite far…
  The new mini TOC’s seem to be behaving ok, and respond to depth changes,
but the initial Table of Contents still lists everything. I have tried a
number of things including…

Or …


But whatever figure I put in, the initial TOC depth remains unchanged,
listing everything.
I am probably missing something obvious, or it will be when pointed out :-)

Best Regards
Mark :-)

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